Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Youth Education On Stage (YES) seeks Family-Friendly 10 Minute plays for their SUMMER SHORTS 6 season this June in Williston North Dakota.

Last year, we called for all plays to be set In A Garden and it was so successful and made the entire evening of entertainment that more exciting for the casts and audiences alike. Therfore, this year we will be setting all plays in the same setting: on the beach, at a lake, on the water or whatever you have that fits our theme: "Making A Splash!"

We will accept two plays per playwright via email only. Scripts should be no more than 10-12 pages in length and need to have from 3 to 7 characters. (We are always looking for scripts that include more students). No Musicals. All plays performed by students, Grades 3-12 so must be language appropriate - keeping in mind this is the midwest and rural North Dakota.

No pay, but no fee. All playwrights receive a tee-Shirt from the Festival, a program and DVD of all plays. A panel of 15 adjudicators (5 each performance from Educators, Community & College theatre departments) score each play and a 1st, 2nd, 3rd place play is announced from the 8 playes selected for Performance. In addition, An Audience Favorite is selected and Outstanding Student Performance Awards presented.

DEADLINE is APRIL 8, 2011.
Email scripts to Producer Jack Dyville,