Sunday, February 20, 2011

Indiana Repertory Theatre submission guidelines

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Submitting a Script to the IRT for Production Consideration

The Indiana Repertory Theatre is committed to producing new work onboth stages. Please submit your script through a literary agent, or by e-mail accompanied by a letter of recommendation from a theatre-professional (an artistic director or literary manager at a professional or university theatre). Scripts sent electronically ( preferred. If this is not possible, please submit a letter of inquiry, along with a brief synopsis of the play and ten pages of sample dialogue.

* Submission procedure: no unsolicited scripts; send synopsis with resume via e-mail to the theatre's dramaturg, Richard Roberts (
* Types of material: full-length plays, translations, adaptations, solo pieces.
* Special interests: adaptations of classic literature; plays that explore cultural/ethnic issues with a Midwestern voice.
* Facilities: OneAmerica Stage, 610 seats, modified proscenium stage; Upperstage, 314 seats, thrust stage.
* Production considerations: cast limit of 8-10.
* Best submission time: year-round (season chosen by February each year).
* Response time: 6 months.
* Commissions: The IRT employs a playwright-in-residence from whom the majority of our new work is commissioned. We occasionally place other subject-specific commissions.

Send inquiries or e-mail your script to:
Richard Roberts
Indiana Repertory Theatre
140 West Washington
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204