Saturday, March 19, 2011

EMOS (Earth Matters on Stage)™ Ecodrama Playwrights Festival ~ 2012

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We are looking for new plays that do one or more of the following:

* Put an ecological issue or environmental event/crisis at the center of the dramatic action or theme of the play.
* Expose and illuminate issues of environmental justice.
* Explore the relationship between sustainability, community and cultural diversity.
* Interpret “community” to include our ecological community, and/or give voice or “character” to the land, or elements of the land.
* Theatrically explore the connection between people and place, human and non-human, and/or between culture and nature.
* Grow out of the playwright’s personal relationship to the land and the ecology of a specific place.
* Theatrically examine the reciprocal relationship between human, animal and plant communities.
* Offer an imagined world view that illuminates our ecological condition or reflects on the ecological crisis from a unique cultural or philosophical perspective.
* Critique or satirizes patterns of exploitation, consumption, or other ingrained values that are ecologically unsustainable.
* Are written specifically to be performed in an unorthodox venue such as a natural or environmental setting, and for which that setting is a not merely a backdrop, but an integral part of the intention of the play.

Submission Guidelines

We are looking for new full-length plays that are written primarily in English (no ten-minute plays please; one-act plays are okay if 30+ minutes in length). Submitted plays should address the thematic guidelines as listed above.

1. All submissions should include a cover page with: the play’s title, the author’s name and contact information.
2. Two blind copies of the FIRST 30 PAGES OF THE SCRIPT ONLY. Please do not put the author’s name on the script, only on the title page.
3. A synopsis of the play and cast requirements.

Submissions must be received by July 1, 2011 to:

EMOS Festival/Theresa May, Artistic Director

207 Villard Hall, Theatre Arts

University of Oregon

Eugene, OR 97403
Deadline: July 1, 2011

Early submission encouraged. / No electronic submissions please.

Evaluation Process

After reading the first 30 pages of all submitted plays, we will evaluate the submissions to reduce the size of the pool. We will then request two full paper copies be sent to us by Sept. 15, 2011. Winners will be selected from this smaller pool.

Questions? See our Frequently Asked Questions.

If you still have a question, email: