Sunday, March 13, 2011

TheatreWorks Silicon Valley script submission policy

web site

TheatreWorks welcomes script submissions to our mainstage season as well as our New Works Initiative. We look for well-written, well-constructed plays that celebrate the human spirit, speak to our diverse community, and advance the art of the American theatre.

We are especially interested in plays with multi-ethnic casting possibilities. We place no limit on the number of cast members required. To get a better sense of the types of plays we produce please look at our production history as well as our New Works Festival history.

If you have an agent, please send or have your agent send your script (and demo cd for musicals).

If you do not have an agent, please send us a query packet that contains an SASE for a response letter, short synopsis, production history for the play, your playwriting resume, a sample of 10-15 pages of the script, and demo cd for musicals. We will respond to query packets within 1 month of receipt.

Materials sent without a return envelope with sufficient postage will be recycled. We respond to full submissions within 6 months.

Send all materials to:

Meredith McDonough
TheatreWorks New Works Initiative
PO Box 50458
Palo Alto, CA 94303

or for UPS, Fedex, and other services:

1100 Hamilton Court
Menlo Park, CA 94025