Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Short Play Lab submissions

May 21 - 22

Short Play Lab

New participants are welcome!

The rules are easy-peasy:
Deadline for May 21 - 22 Lab is Apr. 22. Notification will be immediately after submission, so you have more than a month to prepare your production. Get that script in pronto!
Plays should be 1 - 10 pp. in standard playscript format.* (The shorter the better; shorter plays get priority.) Include a title page, as the first page of the script, with contact info.
Submit scripts in MS-Word.
You produce the play; the SPL provides the theatre (at the Roy Arias Studios, 300 West 43rd Street, NYC).
Productions must be non-union: no showcases please! (And no Equity waivers, either.)
Keep production values to a minimum: costumes and hand props are okay. We provide rehearsal cubes, chairs, and a table or two.
We provide a board op, box office, and venue management.
There are no fees. The SPL keeps the door.
Tickets are $18. Each playwright and director gets to watch his/her show for free. There are no other comps.
There will be a tech rehearsal, on the afternoon of May 21. Plays get a maximum of either 15 mins of tech (1 - 5 pp.) or 30 mins. of tech (6 - 10 pp.).
Every play gets 2 performances, 1 on Sat. and 1 on Sun. Each play will be part of 1 of 2 programs: Program A or Program B, but not both. Program A takes place at 7 pm Sat. and 4 pm Sun. Program B takes place at 9 pm Sat. and 2 pm Sun.
We don't do staged readings. Be off-book, please! Plays not off-book during tech will be removed from the line-up.
THE MOST POPULAR PRODUCTION IN EACH PROGRAM RECEIVES A CASH PRIZE OF $50. Winners are determined by polling patrons at the box office.
*12 pt Times Roman; character names in the middle on their own line; line spaces between speeches and between speeches and stage directions; indented stage directions.
The SPL is a lot of fun and a good way to see your work on its feet in a supportive environment. It's also a great way to see actors and directors at work, so you can recruit people for later productions.
To submit a script, send it as an attachment to john.chatterton@gmail.com. Any questions, don't hesitate to shoot me an E-mail!
John Chatterton
Executive producer, Short Play Lab