Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Stone Soup 2011-12 season

web site

We are seeking original one-act plays (less than 45 minutes), particularly 10-minute shorts written by women. Can be any subject matter with casts of both genders. If you are a woman interested in submitting plays for next year, please indicate so on your cover letter and send them by mail to:

Stone Soup Theatre
c/o Playwrights’ Festival
4035 Stone Way N
Seattle, WA 98103

No electronic submissions will be accepted, sorry!

Authors MUST include (Incomplete submissions will be disqualified):

- TWO printed copies
- Cover letter (including all contact info, mailing/email addresses and phone number, plus a brief description of authorial intent)
- Cover page with each copy (including play's title, author's name, character list/description, gender breakdown, plus description of play.)
- Due to some lively criticism, we've decided to waive the $6/script fee; however, as we don't have many extra resources with which to pay our patient readers (300 scripts submitted last year, and they were ALL read!) if you feel like donating a little something toward that end, we would gladly accept it!

The plays themselves must be ORIGINAL and unpublished(though fine if they have been previously produced) and should be 10 to 45 minutes in length, with minimal set, costumes, and characters. Both spaces we'll be using are extremely intimate: 47 and 65-seat houses, respectively. If you are interested in and capable of putting together the production as well (finding directors, actors, and/or costume and props resources), please include this information in your cover letter.

For more information, please contact