Monday, April 18, 2011

The worlds first and Only International One Minute Play Festival

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Gi60 2011: The worlds first and Only International One Minute Play Festival


Anyone can write a Play!
New Workshop Theatre, Brooklyn College New York, USA: Fri 10th & Sat 11th
The Viaduct Theatre, Halifax, UK: Sat 18th June

Gi60, The worlds only international one minute play writing festival is once again looking for submissions from playwrights across the world. Gi60 premiers no less than one hundred new plays each year, each one lasting no longer than sixty seconds. Fifty new plays , are performed live in the UK at the Viaduct Theatre in Halifax, while on the other side of the Atlantic, another fifty are brought to life at the New Workshop Theater in Brooklyn, New York. All one hundred plays are filmed and available to watch on You Tube or via the Screaming Media web site.

With no cultural boundaries, Gi60 produces a diverse, fast paced, funny and thought provoking one hundred minutes of original theatre reflecting the views of its worldwide contributors, and all available to download to your computer or mobile device.

Gi60 is a totally inclusive theatrical event, we believe that anyone with an idea can write a play and enter the festival. Entry to Gi60 is free and open to everyone, everywhere, making it quite possibly the most accessible writing festival there is. All you need is an idea and an email address.

How To Apply
Gi60 is open to everybody; all you need is an idea and an internet connection. Since its inception in 2003, the Gi60 festival has premiered hundreds of new pieces of work written by people of all ages and backgrounds from around the world. This year it could be you. So If you have an idea or something to say, why not write a play?
The Rules:

• Plays must last no longer than 60 seconds
• All work must be totally original and the author's own work
• All submissions must be sent by email and must include a name, address and
location before the title of your work
• Individuals may submit as many one minute plays as they wish (one
submission per email)
• Entries from schools must include the name of the school and a teacher's
contact details in addition to the name of the author
• All submissions must be emailed to: by Midnight
April 30th.

Further information from, or follow Gi60 on facebook or twitter.