Friday, May 13, 2011

Battle of the Playwrights

web site

Times Square, New York-> Battle of the Playwrights.

DEADLINE May 20, 2011 3 Minute Play Festival. The bash will be June 27 - 29th, 2011. This production will be performed in our theater, The Shell Theater, located in Times Square. Chosen plays will be posted May 23rd, 2011

Turtle Shell Production is seeking short plays, 60 – 180 seconds in length, for a short play festival in June – no more than two plays per playwright. Please send your 1 to 3 minute play(s) to oneminuteplayfest @yahoo .com , including a statement giving Turtle Shell permission to produce your play(s) and a phone number where you can be reached. The selected playwrights will be notified and their names posted on our website at The plays will be presented on June 27 - 29nd in our theater located in Times Square, NY