Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Walking Fish Theatre/Hella Fresh Theatre 10-minute submissions

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Send us your best script of ten pages or less for the Walking Fish Theatre/Hella Fresh Theatre annual Ten-Minute Play festival, Hella Fresh Fish 3.0

All submissions can be e-mailed as a .doc or .pdf attachment to freshfish2submit@gmail.com.

Entries will be acknowledged by e-mail. All playwrights will be notified by e-mail when or before the winners are announced in August.

Each script must be no more than ten pages long.

Plays that have received an Equity production, as well as any unsolicited longer one-act or full-length plays will not be accepted for this project. Special consideration is given to playwrights in Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey.

Each manuscript must be typed. Title page must include name, address, e-mail address and phone number. All pages must be numbered. Please use a 12-point font. In the subject line of your e-mail submission, please include your name and your play’s title in the following format:
Lastname Firstname Title

The volume of scripts submitted hampers our ability to comment individually on each work, so we do not offer criticism.

All ten-minute plays will be considered for Hella Fresh Fish 3.0, The Walking Fish Theatre/Hella Fresh Theatre annual ten-minute play festival in October, 2011.

Midnight, Sunday July 31st, 2011

Address Submissions to: freshfish2submit@gmail.com, or mail to:

HellaFresh Fish Ten-Minute Play Festival
2509 Frankford Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19125

For more information about Walking Fish Theatre and B. Someday Productions, please call 215.427.WALK or visit www.walkingfishtheatre.com or email Stan Heleva stan@bsomeday.org