Friday, July 15, 2011

Everyone Has the Right script submission process

web site

Everyone Has the Right is a rolling script submission service (i.e. there is no deadline) for plays with human rights at their heart. A joint initiative with Amnesty International, Everyone Has the Right provides a natural home for writers exploring human rights stories to create surprising and entertaining theatre.

If you have a script you’d like to submit, find out the details here

Read more about our first round of Everyone Has the Right performances…

More on Everyone Has the Right:

What is a human rights story?
How it works
History of the Project


Please send your script, short synopsis (no more than 200 words) and cover sheet (Download as Word Doc or as PDF file) to: Everyone Has the Right, iceandfire, Toynbee Hall, 28 Commercial Street, London, E1 6LS.

Due to the high volume of submissions, there is currently a delay in responding to writers. Please allow at least 3 months for a response – thanks! Plays from outside of the UK are welcomed but we are only able to report on new plays, that have not been professionally produced, written in English. Plays can be of any length, but we will only read full scripts (no outlines or synopses please) written for theatre. We cannot accept scripts by email or fax.

We are interested in scripts for all ages, so if you write theatre for young people please consider submitting to this scheme.