Saturday, October 8, 2011

How to submit your play to the Astoria Performing Arts Center

web site

Please include the following material with your submission:

- A brief abstract of the play you are submitting. Not necessarily a synopsis — I am more interested in how you talk about the themes and ideas with which your play deals. It’s good for me to know what’s important to you in the work, and to get a better idea of your interests as a writer.

- A cover letter that indicates why you are interested in APAC, how you heard about us, etc. Don’t be afraid to submit here if you’ve never seen any of our shows. Just take a look at the website and get a sense of what we’re about.

- A resume that details your previous writing and production history. I am specifically interested in any development that the play you’re submitting has received. I don’t think it’s entirely fair to evaluate a second draft on the same level as a sixth or seventh draft, so let me know where you are in your process.

- Links to your personal website(s), if you have one, so that we can learn more about you. I’m also a big proponent of having other writing samples available. Please only include one play per submission, but do send me links to look at along with it.

- And, of course, the play itself. Make sure that the play is in proper play format. If you don’t have Final Draft, get it. If you can’t afford it, download Celtx — it’s free, and formats just as well. Don’t send me a Word Document — send me a PDF. Make sure that your document includes a title page with your name and contact info, as well as a secondary page that lists the characters, setting and any acknowledgments. The fact of the matter is that the evaluation begins on page 1, and a play that isn’t properly formatted, or lacking in the aforementioned information, will already have points against it.
APAC is now accepting electronic submissions!

In fact, I prefer them. Please e-mail all of the items listed above at In the subject line, please write: “SUBMISSION: [Name of Play]“. And please understand that I am just one person reading tons of scripts and that I will respond to you as soon as I can.
If you would prefer to submit your materials via the mail, you may do so here:

Astoria Performing Arts Center
Kaufman Astoria Studios
34-12 36th Street, Rm 1/232, MB 40
Astoria, NY 11106

Please note that no submission materials will be returned.

If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me at I am genuinely looking forward to hearing from you.