Monday, December 19, 2011

By the Light of a Match short play festival

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What if...

Snorks and Piñs Productions is seeking submissions for their second annual By the Light of a Match short play festival. Plays will be performed in New York City at The Spark Art Center on March 17th and 18th 2012.

This year’s festival theme is What if… What if Shakespeare never wrote a single word? What if Buddy Holly missed his flight? What if we evolved from toads rather than monkeys? What if your alarm didn't go off this morning? What if Joan of Arc found a boyfriend before she found God? Our lives and our histories are made up of an infinite amount of moments that lead to an infinite amount of different lifetimes. From the tragic to the comic. From the fast-paced to the slow and ponderous. From the epic to the subtle. Everything is possible and all of it dramatic. Snorks and Piñs is looking for five 8-12 minute plays that illuminate these scenarios. We want you to think about the past and ask...what if...?

By the Light of a Match is a festival designed to support emerging artists and to encourage new audiences to New York’s independent theater scene. This is not your typical short play festival. Five plays will be selected, brought together and intertwined in unique ways by the festival director. The Festival Director designs how the festival is presented to its audience and creates an ensemble atmosphere, connecting the pieces as he/she chooses. The plays are then presented to audiences who will vote on their favorite playwright, director, actor and actress. The audience’s favorites will then go on to host next years festival! The writer will not only have his/her play presented in the following festival, directed by the winning director and performed by the winning actor and actress but will also choose the theme for that festival. The winning director will also take on the role of festival director.

We are seeking submissions from playwrights and directors at this time.

The deadline for all submissions is 5pm on January 8th, 2012.

Directors: please submit a resume, one letter of recommendation, and a brief paragraph about yourself and your directing style. Playwrights: please submit a 8-12 minute play with a separate title page (plays will be reviewed by a committee and selected for the festival anonymously). All submissions should be sent to

A little fine print: Playwrights will maintain rights to their work. Snorks and Piñs provides auditions and casting assistance to directors, rehearsal space for the group rehearsals and the performance venue. All actors participating in the festival must audition and priority casting is given to Snorks and Piñs company members. The director and playwright are responsible for finding suitable rehearsal space (must be in Manhattan) and gathering props and costumes for the performance. If a playwright has a director they would like to work with they should have the director submit with the name of the playwright and the title of the play in the subject line of their submission.