Thursday, December 1, 2011

Simian Showcase

web site

We are now accepting submissions for THE SIMIAN SHOWCASE. We want your short play to be part of our smorgasbord of theatre, music, and merriment in April 2012.

To qualify, your script must:

Be no longer than 15 minutes in length
Be ready for presentation
Contain themes of geekery, fandom, and/or obsession with pop- and/or sub-culture
Require minimal tech and encourage suspension of disbelief

Your play may:

Have had previous readings/productions
Be a work in progress (playwrights will be welcome to attend rehearsals as part of their script development process)

Submissions due: December 23rd, 2011
Plays will be selected by: January 13th, 2012
Final script changes for the showcase due: March 9th, 2012

Send your script as a PDF or DOC file to: