Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hobo Junction seeks submissions

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Chicago theater company HOBO JUNCTION PRODUCTIONS, the theater company that brought you "Bad Guys in Suits" and "The Regulars," is seeking new original comedies from playwrights of all ages, creeds, and religions. Be it a musical or play, we only require it to fit one real criteria: It has to be hilarious.

If you would like to submit your play or musical for consideration (either for our upcoming season or beyond), please e-mail us the following materials:

1 page synopsis

10 page sample from script

Your playwright resume

And a brief cover letter telling us a little bit about yourself

Your only limitation is your own imagination (yeah, its cheesy, so what?).

We look forward to seeing what you have to offer.

Please submit all materials to Literary Director Spenser Davis will contact you to confirm the reception of your documents. PDF and DOC formats only, please.