Saturday, January 14, 2012

Occupy the Empty Space call for short works

(no web site available)

Thank you for your interest in Occupy the Empty Space, an OWS-affiliated theatrical act of creative resistance in the form of a short play festival. Or, in other words, a ten minute play festival that will look nothing like a ten minute play festival.    Occupy the Empty Space will be accepting submissions from now till February 15th for a festival date in mid-late March. Occupy the Empty Space will be noncommercial, staged in a nontraditional space, audience interactive, and inclusive of many guilds within the OWS movement and neighborhood residents/activists in NYC.

We do not and will not dictate any requisite tone or theme, but we do encourage pieces that engage audiences, represent contemporary American life, and promote diversity. We highly encourage political pieces, pieces dealing with a variety of political and social justice issues, and pieces that represent many different perspectives. We encourage pieces with under three-four characters; less is often more. Also, we encourage playwrights/monologuists who represent the wide array of individuals living in NY to submit, and we would love to explore bilingual work in this festival. 


The selected plays will be rehearsed and then presented without the conventions of costumes, set (aside from chairs/tables and the space we are in), or, ideally, props. This does not mean there will be zero design elements, but that minimalism is key. The actors will, however, be asked to memorize for the performance. Any indicators of set or costumes that are required to convey the message of the play will be read aloud in the stage directions. Actors/directors will be provided from OWS casting pool. When you are writing, consider that the festival may be staged indoor or outdoor and plays with strong emphasis on interpersonal relationships and/or relationship to the audience will be best suited for this project.

Submission dates: Now- February 15th Email play as pdf or word doc attachment to both (Kate) and (Sarah)