Saturday, January 28, 2012

web site

Literary Director Darcy Hogan is currently seeking full-length play submissions.

Do you have to be gay to see your work produced at Theatre Out?
Absolutely not.

If not, does the play have to have a gay element?

At Theatre Out, we are looking for plays that examine the gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgenered "community" or experience - regardless of the playwright's orientation. But we do also produce pieces that may NOT examine the LGBT community, if we feel the play is good and the writer is an "out" member of the LGBT community.

It's pretty simple - gay themed, or gay written.

What we are NOT looking for is your straight play with an arbitrary character thrown in or quickly re-written to be the "gay ingredient" that makes your play a fit for our theatre. Trust us, we know when we receive these pieces, and they don't work for us. Please avoid it.

Does the play have to be an in-depth look at the LGBT experience? No - plays that feature gay characters or storylines are fine. We are not looking to produce a season full of in-depth looks into what it means to be LGBT or the struggles the LGBT community has faced. While those plays are fine to submit and often very moving, it's also a-okay to submit your gay comedy or your script that's not about "being" gay, but features, say, a lesbian couple or a drag queen.

So, you think your play might be right for Theatre Out? Great! Please follow these submission steps:

1) Please download the submission form - see web site
2) Fill out the form completely.
3) Email only 2 items - the completed form and a 10 PAGE sample to

Suggestions, hints, tips ...

1) While your play does not necessarily have to be in proper playscript format, I really REALLY prefer reading scripts that are. Need help with formatting? CLICK HERE.

2) While I fully acknowledge that there are many skilled playwrights out there that have terrible skills when it comes to spelling or grammar, and while I'll definitely read your sample (regardless of the occasional error), excessive errors really make it difficult. I recommend having your script proof-read, using spell-check, etc - whatever you need to do before you send it off (to me or to anyone else.)

3) Send me your best 10 pages. It doesn't have to be the first 10 pages, necessarily. Though, if it is NOT the first 10 pages, please send me a SHORT (please re-read ... SHORT!) explanation of where we are in the script. (Example: "Act II, Scene II - Joe has just revealed that he and Gary ran off to Mexico to be married.") If you have filled out the submission form completely (and you SHOULD), then I won't need more than one sentence, maybe two, to clue me into where your 10 pages fall in the script.

4) You may be tempted to ignore this submission process and send me your whole script, and/or ignore the submission form. Tip: Please don't. I won't read your script. Please respect my submission process and I'll respect your work.

5) You may be tempted to send me a list of who should play which role, detailed drawings of what you think the set should look like, or the costumes, a series of MP3s I should listen to while reading your play, etc. Tip: Please don't.

In closing, I really am excited to read your work. It's important to me that we try to give the stage to a new script or playwright whenever possible. I want to be a part of the inaugural production of your new play. Please don't let the process above scare you away. I love reading good scripts. Is yours good? PLEASE SEND IT TO ME!