Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Women's Voices

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The Modern-Day Griot Theatre Company is accepting submissions of one-act plays to be performed in an evening of staged readings for our “Women’s Voices” series in March.

  • We are only accepting original work by women playwrights. 
  • All plays must be production-ready, typewritten, have 1-6 characters, and must have a running time of 20 minutes or less. 
  • Any genre (comedy, tragedy, etc) is accepted, but the plays must have a fresh plot, sufficient conflict, and a provocative and engaging text. 
  • Deadline for submissions is January 31, 2012 at 10pm EST. 
  • The Modern-Day Griot Theatre Company cannot offer royalties but can offer a production opportunity. 
For inquiries or to submit your work, please email: lbulos@moderndaygriot.org.