Sunday, February 19, 2012

SENSES ASKEW COMPANY 2012 Script Submissions

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Accepted through March 1, 2012; email scripts/proposals

The Senses Askew Company is currently seeking script submissions, under fifteen minutes in length, for workshop productions in the 2012/2013 season. We will announce more specific details at a later date. Submissions may be an excerpt from a full length play, an one act play, or a scene.

While there are no limitations as to style or subject matter, Senses Askew is particularly interested in experimental works that compliment the company's mission statement:

Senses Askew Company seeks to transcend our similarities and differences as artists and educate our viewers utilizing theatre, dance, music, and multi-media. We aim to encourage new perspectives that dissolve barriers. Through the performing arts, the major sources of inspiration which we work with will embody the five senses of humanity. With what we have or lack: the senses of hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch; we wish to promote a sense of unity and understanding among our artists and viewers. As a result, we empower ourselves to reconnect, celebrate and reflect upon our common trait: humanity.

We are encouraging original works that have never been done before an audience. We are supportive of works that stretches the imagination of innovative storytelling on stage. We are also open to works that may have been adapted from materials - classic or contemporary. We only ask that these works have been done with new interpretations. This may include but not be limited to bi-lingual presentations, choreography, and/or include multi media concepts. We are reaching out nationwide, but prefer to promote playwrights based locally (New York City) and/or the Tri-State region (NY/NJ/CT).

At this time, we are unable to cover any/all of your expenses if your script/proposal makes it to final selection and goes into production. However, you will receive credit for your work.

If interested, email either a full script of a short play or a ten page excerpt from a script or a proposal NO LATER THAN March 1, 2012.

The plays will be reviewed by a panel selected by Senses Askew Company.

Please include a cover sheet with your personal information and how we may contact you. Along with the script or proposal, also indicate whether the submitter would also like to direct his/her own work or would prefer to have someone else take on that role. Last, but not least, please be sure your work is watermarked.