Thursday, March 15, 2012

AracaWorks seeks submissions

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The Araca Group, a New York City-based theatrical production company is presenting its fourth play reading series, AracaWorks. We are seeking submissions from playwrights in post-collegiate and professional study programs nationwide.

The style and subject matter of the play is up to the submitting playwright. Araca's development team will select one play to be directed and performed by professionals in New York City in May, 2012. The Araca Group will assume the playwrights travel expenses to and from his or her program.

Important Dates:
-Deadline for submissions: March 30, 2012
-Date of reading: May, 2012

How to apply:
-Please visit to download, print, and sign an AracaWorks
release form.

-Submit the release form, along with play (in pdf format, under 10MB) to:

*plays without signed release forms cannot be considered

If you have any questions please visit our website: