Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Duncanson Call for Candidates - Actor/Playwright wanted

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2012 Duncanson Artist-in-Residence

To honor the relationship between African American painter Robert S. Duncanson (1821-1872) and Cincinnati art patron Nicholas Longworth (1782-1863), the Robert S. Duncanson Society of the Taft Museum of Art annually recognizes the achievements of contemporary African American artists through the Duncanson Artist-in-Residence program.

For two weeks, the artist is active in the community through public events, workshops, and outreach to area schools, working with students in the classroom and at the Taft to strengthen their understanding of the arts and the relevance of the arts to their lives.

The ideal candidate for 2012 will be an actor/playwright who will be commissioned by the Robert S. Duncanson Society and the Taft Museum of Art to write and perform a one-man show based on the life of Robert S. Duncanson to be premiered and performed at various venues in Greater Cincinnati during the two-week residency.  Special consideration is given to emerging professional artists. The purpose of the residency is to promote and develop a deepening awareness of African American art and artists and to inspire future generations. Previous Duncanson Artists-in-Residence include (among others) poet/essayist Nikki Giovanni, filmmaker William Greaves, playwright/screenwriter Keith Josef Adkins, visual artist Brian Joiner, violist Nokuthula Ngwenyama, and soprano Adrienne Danrich.

Dates of Residency: November 1-15, 2012 (some flexibility)
Honorarium: $7,500 (plus per diem; lodging and travel provided if necessary)

Responsibilities include:
-Researching the life of Robert S. Duncanson to inform the script
-Attendance at reception(s) to open or close residency
-Writing and performing longer (approximately one to one and one-half hours) and shorter versions (approximately one-half hour to 45 minutes) of the show.
-Evening and/or weekend public presentations (3-5)
-Up to 10 programs with school groups, including a day-long session at the local magnet school for the arts
-Morning and lunchtime program for sponsors of residency
-Weekend program for families
-Weekend master class or workshop for teens/adults
-Additional programs for targeted audiences, to be determined
-Publicity appearances and commitments prior to and during residency

Note: These responsibilities are subject to some flexibility. It is our mission to reach the broadest possible audience and to form as many community collaborations as possible.

Applicants should submit the following:
-A cover letter outlining interest in the residency
-A current résumé
-CD or DVD showing your performance of a theatrical monologue
-Brief concept for a one-man show featuring Duncanson
-Copies of press materials
-Descriptions of any programs or workshops done with school or adult audiences

Send materials to:
Robert S. Duncanson Executive Committee
c/o Nancy Huth, Curator of Education
Taft Museum of Art
316 Pike Street
Cincinnati, OH  45202-4293

Deadline:  All materials must be received by March 31, 2012. Include a stamped, self-addressed envelope of sufficient size/postage for return of CD or DVD. For more information, please call Nancy Huth, Curator of Education, (513) 684-4516, or visit