Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Q-C Playwrights' Festival seeks 10-minute scripts, April 6 deadline

web site
  • Original 10-minute scripts (maximum 10 pages) by Quad-City area playwrights will be accepted until April 6, 2012.
  • Playwrights may submit one original script of any genre by a single author.
  • No adaptations will be considered. Musicals and plays with copyrighted music or lyrics will not be considered.
  • Please include a cover sheet with playwright's name, address and phone number.
  • High school and college students should identify their schools.
  • Scripts will not be returned.
  • Playwrights of all ages are invited to participate.
Mail or deliver four typed copies to:

Quad City Playwrights' Festival
c/o Theatre Arts Department
Augustana College
639-38th Street
Rock Island, IL 61201-2296

Augustana actors will present a staged reading of the winning scripts in the 2012 Quad City Playwrights' Festival beginning at 7:30 p.m. May 13 in the Black Box Theatre, Bergendoff Hall of Fine Arts (3701 7th Ave.). A reception will be held after the performances.
The project is supported with Quad City Arts Dollar$: Community Access to the Arts funds, provided by the Illinois Arts Council; Riverboat Development Authority; Doris and Victor Day Foundation; John Deere Foundation; Mary Iva Gittens Knouse Charitable Trust; Quad City Arts Partners; and Festival of Trees.

Questions regarding the festival or play submission process may be directed to Professor Jeff Coussens, chair of the department of theatre arts, jeffcoussens@augustana.edu.