Thursday, May 17, 2012

Actor Art Theatre submission guidelines

web site

Please do not submit a full script. Please submit a query letter and synopsis of the play to
Actors Art Theatre
6128 Wilshire Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90048,

or by email to

Send email only as text within the body of your message. Do not send attachments of any kind. If we want to read the full script, we will request it.

We do read all material, and that entails a substantial response time, generally 3 - 8 months . Every script considered for production will be publicly read as part of our PlayPen Series.

We produce a variety of styles but we do not do musicals due to space limitations. Drama, comedies, farce, political - all are fine to submit. Keep in mind our production restrictions: our playing area is 16' x 12'; no wing or fly space; cast size should not exceed 10 (without doubling).

We operate under the 99 Seat Plan of Actors Equity Association, which provides for token payment of actors and stage managers. Writers are paid a percentage of the box office. Performers are not paid for student workshops or showcases.