Monday, July 16, 2012

Ego Actus, an award winning Theater Company, is seeking short plays

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 Ego Actus, an award winning Theater Company, is seeking short plays for our Gilded Nights at The Vault at Plaffs at 643 Broadway in New York City.

Gilded Nights will consist six of 10 to 15 minute long, one-act, small cast dramas or comedies. They will be chosen to fit in with the theme: The Bohemians of the Gilded Age, so accepted plays will be about, or refer to issues and/or individuals in New York City in the second half of the 19th century. Many of the most well known Bohemians and literati of the time were regular patrons of Pfaff’s including Horatio Alger, Edwin Booth, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Horace Greeley, Winslow Homer, Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain and Walt Whitman. A more extensive list of influential patrons of Pfaff’s may be found at We suggest playwrights and directors visit The Vault at Pfaff’s for inspiration and research.

The show will be presented twice in one evening. The first show will be at 7:00pm and the second at 9:30pm on a Monday in September 2012.

Playwrights are welcome choose their own director. Ego Actus can recommend directors as necessary. No author may direct his or her own play. No director may act in his or her own play.

The director-author teams will be responsible for casting their own plays and providing rehearsal spaces and times. They are also responsible for any costumes and props required by their play. We expect real productions, albeit on a very small scale. Actors must be off book by technical/dress rehearsal.

Ego Actus will produce the show and arrange the performance space, very limited lighting, sound, publicity and marketing, house management and a one-page program. Directors may submit audio files that we will play back from our sound computer, to the house sound system.

The playwright of each play will sign an agreement granting Ego Actus the right to present their script. These rights will be limited to the evening of the production. Ego Actus will not pay any royalty or commission for the use of the plays. The benefit to the playwrights, directors and actors is the exercise of their artistic muscles and exposure of their work to the public and industry.

The audience will not be charged any admission fee, cover or drink minimum.