Friday, July 13, 2012

Focus on a culture other than the US for the Woodward International Playwriting Prize

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Plays must be received by August 1, 2012.

The University of New Hampshire proudly announces a call for plays that focus on a culture other than the US for the Woodward International Playwriting Prize.  The Woodward international Playwriting Prize is part of the Cultural Stages International Drama and Dance Initiative. The aim of this program is to broaden and deepen the understanding of international cultures through a competition for plays addressing relevant themes.

INFO: The winning play will be given a fully produced production as part of the University of New Hampshire 2013/14 season. The winning Playwright will receive a cash prize of $5,000, plus expenses to travel to the University of New Hampshire and stay for the one week of performances.  Finalists will be posted on the University of New Hampshire Department of Theatre and Dance website in November, 2012. The winner will be announced in January, 2013.

COMPETITION RULES: Plays submitted to the Woodward International Playwriting Prize must be at least one hour in performance length, and can be written in any style, including musical, and may contain any number of characters. Plays may not be adaptations of any work that is not in the common domain. Scripts must be submitted in English. Plays that have already been produced are not eligible for this prize.

All plays should be accompanied by:
  • A brief synopsis.
  • List of all characters with character descriptions.
  • Production requirements, including set and costume and any special production needs.
  • A brief biography of the playwright.
  • a current email address in order for us to acknowledge receipt of the script and be able to contact you during the selection process.
Please note that:
  • The University of New Hampshire will not be able to offer feedback for submitted scripts.
  • Hard copy scripts will not be able to be mailed back.
  • The winning Playwright will be required to sign a letter of agreement giving permission for the University of New Hampshire to perform the play with no additional royalties or fees. The Playwright also agrees that any published version of the play will include the following statement: “First Produced by the University of New Hampshire, Department of Theatre and Dance as part of the Cultural Stages: Woodward International Drama and Dance Initiative.”
Scripts should be submitted electronically to David Kaye, Woodward Prize Selection Committee Chair at If sending a play electronically is not possible, a hard copy may be sent to:

David Kaye
Woodward Prize Selection Committee Chair
University of New Hampshire
Department of Theatre and Dance
30 Academic Way
Durham, NH, USA 03824

CONTACT US: Please e-mail David Kaye at for any additional information.