Sunday, September 2, 2012

Thunderclap Productions wants comedic scripts and songs about sex

web site

Deadline: December 31, 2012

Material type: Comedic sketches, songs, or sketches with songs

Length: Shorts; recommended length 3-5 minutes (no longer than about 7 minutes)
Thunderclap Productions and the creative team behind Death, the Musical are now accepting open submissions from lyricists, book writers, and composers from anywhere in the world. Please direct submissions to submissions(at)thunderclapproductions(dot)com or questions to Aaron Alon, the project’s creative director.

  1. Every sketch/song must be related to some aspect of sex and must be comic.
  2. You may use up to 2 men and 2 women in your sketch/song.
  3. You can write a sketch, a song, or a sketch with a song in it. Songs may include lyrics and music or just lyrics.
  4. Those interested in writing music alone are asked to forward samples of their previous work.
  5. Limit your set requirements to a table and chairs. Keep props to a manageable minimum as well.
  6. Your submission can be up to about 7 minutes in length. Most selected sketches/songs will run 3-5 minutes.
  7. Submissions are due by December 1, 2012. We will announce the selected sketches/songs in March 2013. Writers whose works are included will earn a share of any profits/royalties.
Please follow these instructions to submit:
  1. Submit a script and/or score with your name removed.  Include a cover page with the title, a breakdown of characters by gender (e.g., 2m/1w), and a 1-2 line synopsis.
  2. Provide an identical second script and/or score that now also includes your name and contact information.
  3. Please also include a short bio and a performance history of your sketch and/or song if it has been previously performed.
  4. Send all of your files to submissions(at)thunderclapproductions(dot)com with “Sex Musical Submission” as the subject line.
  5. For sending large files, we recommend zipping them and sending them through or a similar service.
Accepted File Types:
  • SCRIPTS or STAND-ALONE LYRICS: pdf, WORD (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt), Final Draft (version 7 or below)
  • SCORES: pdf, Finale (.mus)
  • AUDIO: mp3 strongly preferred (other formats may also be accepted)