Saturday, December 15, 2012

15 Minutes Live seeks scripts

web site

15 Minutes Live is Slung Low's live radio project.  For each event Slung Low commissions 5 writers to write a 15 minute play for voices

The plays are performed in front of a live audience. All the sound effects are done foley-style (imagine the old Goon shows) and all the music is played live by musicians.  It takes places on a sunday afternoon. The audience watch all 5 plays being performed and have a bite to eat between pieces.  A recording of each play is then released on the internet for a new audience to experience it.

The next 15 Minutes Live will be on 24th February 2013. It will be performed at the Holbeck Underground Ballroom in Holbeck, South Leeds and is funded by Leeds Inspired.  The plays will all be upon the theme of rebuilding, regrowth.

5 writers have already been commissioned; Judith Adams, Mark Hollander, Alex Kelly, James Phillips and Stephanie Street.  And Slung Low would like to add your name to that list.

They are inviting submissions of 15 minute plays for voices.

If you have a 15 minute play that you think would be suitable and would like to be considered, then send it to

The plays will be read by Slung Low and Henry Swindell from BBC writersroom North. One play from those submitted will be selected to be performed at February's event.
The selected writer will be paid a fee of £450 (as all writers involved in 15 Minutes Live are). The copyright of the script remains with you after the event. Although a recording of the event will be hosted on the internet.

Deadline for submissions: 21st December 2012

There is no preferable style or genre- whatever you write is the best choice for you. There is no restriction on cast- as many or as few voices and types of voices as you see fit. And entry is not based on experience- if you've never written a play before that's no impediment to entry but if Alan Bennett is reading this then we are keen to read your piece too. An open call!

For more information, visit the Slung Low website.