Friday, December 7, 2012

Sundog Theatre is seeking one-act plays for Scenes from the Staten Island Ferry 2013

web site

This is Sundog Theatre’s 11th annual presentation of original, short one-act plays about our favorite boats, the Staten Island Ferries.

Guidelines: Submit original plays not previously produced or published, with a signed note affirming that. All plays should be 10-25 minutes long and have their setting on the Staten Island Ferry. Plays should be contemporary, involve 2-3 characters and require no special set pieces other than benches or railings found on the Ferry, limited and easily accessible props, and no special sound or lighting requirements. Avoid overt and unnecessary sexual/violence situations and language since we cater to a broad audience.  No musicals or long monologues, poetry, or classical verse since these plays are memorized by actors in a very short time.
NOTES: Humor is good. Also, a “Twilight Zone” – type format (plays with creative, twist/surprise endings) may be considered for some or all of the scenes. Write what inspires you.

Remuneration: Six authors will receive $100 and be produced in our series of eight February 2013 performances in Staten Island and Manhattan.

Submission Procedure:
Please send two copies, bound or stapled, blind submission (removable cover page with title, author and contacts) to

Sundog Theatre,
“Scenes 2013”
PO Box 10183, Staten Island, NY  10301).

Submissions should include brief synopsis, play history, a 70-word bio and also resume of the author.

Should be postmarked no later than December 15, 2012. 

DO NOT submit plays electronically.

Any questions can be directed to Susan Fenley, Producer

Notification: Playwrights of selected plays will be contacted directly and their names listed on Sundog’s website early 2013.