Monday, January 21, 2013

The Bertarelli Foundation Creative Minds Festival Playwright Competition

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You're a playwright? Or you're a teacher and want to encourage your students' creative self-expression using playwriting as a catalyst?

Or maybe you're a parent looking for something constructive for your kids to do this Easter, or a theatre professional hoping to make a dramatic difference for UK’s youth.

If any of these are you, then The Bertarelli Foundation Creative Minds Festival may be of interest.

An annual event, held in Stoke-on-Trent every July, the Creative Minds Team are launching a playwright competition, looking for three ten – twelve minute pieces to be staged during the 2013 festival ( 2 – 6 July 2013)

The competition will see three awards of £350 to the author / authors of the three pieces selected.

The Theme
The theme is LOCAL & GLOBAL with particular reference to Stoke and Staffordshire. It could cover such areas as:-

What is happening in the local community?
What is happening in the world at large?
What is it to be born and/or live in Stoke and Staffordshire
What does the region offer the world
What has the region offered the world

The piece should generate a great deal of discussion as it will ask participants and practitioners, those acting in it, directing it and seeing it performed, to look at current as well as historical issues within the region and, through debate, offer the opportunity to make sense of what is going on today as well as reflect upon what has happened in years gone by.

It should also encourage everyone involved to look at issues both at home and in the wider world and allow everyone the chance to explore their own attitudes and values within a structured framework

The Submissions

A submission must be:

  • submissions must be no longer than six pages in length double spaced (reading time around ten minutes)
  • it can have up to thirty parts BUT only a maximum of ten speaking parts
All work presented will be developed by non professional participants led by the professional practitioners.

The Selection Process

Every piece will be read by a team of professionals from the theatre industry and/or academia. Sorry, but no critique or feedback will be offered.

Playwrights may submit as many pieces as they wish.

What to do now

To submit please  email your text including your name, address, email and contact telephone number / mobile to

Once done you will receive a thank for submitting email.

There is no fee for submitting.

A decision on the winning entry will be made by Friday 26 April with the winners announced via the Creative Minds website

Best wishes and good luck