Sunday, January 27, 2013

Women's Work: Call for Sapphic Scripts

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Pride Films and Plays presents Women's Work, a contest for writers who just happen to be women. We endeavor to enhance the visibility of women who write and offer them opportunities to be heard loud and clear. Or in this case, loud and queer.

The Women's Work contest fosters excellence in work written by women intended for live performance. All scripts submitted must be written by a woman (or women) and feature lesbian characters, history, or themes pertinent to the lesbian community and relevant to the world. We are accepting both full-length scripts and short plays.

Scripts will be judged by a panel of theatre professionals. Past judges include Barb Lhota, Ebony Joy, Lindsay Bartlett, Marga Gomez, Rebecca Kling, Tara Mallen, and Vanda.

Contest finalists will receive a cash prize and a staged reading of their work in Chicago.

There is no entry fee if you submit between January 15 and January 31, 2013.

For complete details, please visit:

Labels: women-only, LGBT, full-length plays, 10-minute plays, one-act plays