Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Puzzle: Marble’s Festival of New Work

web site

Monday, June 24th – Saturday, June 29th 2013

An eclectic, yet interlocking, mosaic of creative people and expression serving and entertaining the Marble Community and New York City. Brian Hampton (Director of ARTS Ministry at Marble), Producer Marya Spring Cordes, Artistic Director
The Puzzle is in its 3rd year!

We are looking for plays, musicals, and the spoken word that illuminate the human condition staying within Marble Collegiate Church’s positive, inclusive, and welcoming nature.

If you would like to submit a piece of creative work, please complete this application - printed clearly or typed.  Send with a cover letter and script of proposed work/project.  Please include a CD of music if submitting a musical.  Any other support material is encouraged but not required.

Please send to:

The Puzzle: Marble’s Festival of New Work
ARTS at Marble Collegiate Church
One West 29th Street
New York, NY  10001

Submissions must be postmarked by Monday, March 11, 2013.

Submissions containing adult language are not discouraged. However, due to the nature of the festival, you may be asked to provide alternate language for the public reading.

If not selected, and you would like your script returned, please include a SASE (Self
Addressed Stamped Envelope).

Rehearsals will be held during the month of June leading into the festival week of June 24-29.

Each piece will have one performance.

There is no participation fee for this festival.
Thank you for submitting for The Puzzle!