Saturday, May 11, 2013

Women's Project submission guidelines

web site

Submission Procedure:
WP does not accept unsolicited scripts. Plays must be submitted through a bona fide industry agent. Unrepresented playwrights may send: 1) Cover letter; 2) a brief synopsis (under 100 words); 3) a ten-page dialogue sample; and 4) Two letters of recommendation.

Send to:
Women's Project, Attn. Literary Department
55 West End Avenue
New York, New York 10023

Please submit clean copies, and not originals. Submissions will NOT be returned.


Type of Material:
WP produces full-length plays written by women. We are open to a variety of styles, perspectives and topics; however, we do not generally produce “kitchen sink” plays. We respond to plays that contain the universe - intellectually rigorous, boldly theatrical, and emotionally audacious.

We recommend that you see a show at WP and/or study our recent production archives to get a better understanding of the kind of material we produce.  We do accept musicals, although we have a very limited history of producing them.

Response time and method of response:
Please be patient. Response time for material sent to our office is 9 – 12 months. We read every submission, and after reading a synopsis/sample, may ask to see the entire script. Due to the high volume of submissions, we can only respond to the projects that we wish to pursue.

Best Submission time:
Scripts are accepted May - December.

If you would like to invite a WP staff member to come see a reading, workshop or production, please send invitations to "literary at womensproject dot org". We receive many requests and are only able to attend a limited number of events.