Saturday, June 29, 2013


The Break-Away Project is looking for actors and writers to participate in ‘Connecting Creativity’, a trans-Atlantic project linking Irish and American artists. Five actors and five writers will be selected in Ireland to take part in the project, while five actors and five writers based in America will also be chosen.

As part of our mission, the Break-Away Project work toward creating links between Irish and American artists, regularly showcasing work by American artists here in Ireland and developing showcase opportunities for Irish artists in America.

Each Irish actor will be paired with an American-based writer, and each American-based actor will be paired with an Irish writer.

Actors will have a Skype call with their writer, who will then write a five minute monologue for the actor based on their conversation together. This must be new material written specifically for the actor, not previously composed work.

Actors will perform their monologues on the evening of Friday August 16th in the Centre for Creative Practices, Pembroke St Lower, Dublin 2. The Irish actors will perform their monologue live, while the American actors will perform their monologues either in prerecording via YouTube or live via Skype.

We are looking for a diverse cast of any age or gender.


27th – 28th June: Auditions for Irish Actors in Dublin.

28th June – July 5th: Auditions for American Actors via Skype (time arranged upon submission of application).

July 5th: Submission deadline for Irish writers and American-based writers.

July 6th – Partnered up! Each Irish actor will be paired with an American-based writerand each Irish writer will be paired with an American-based actor.

July 6th – July 14th: Each pair must have a Skype call with one another by Sunday 14th July at the latest.

July 27th: Submission date for both Irish and American monologues.

July 29th: Actors will receive their monologue.

August 5th – August 12th: Rehearsals (no more than two) with Irish actors in Dublin city centre and via skype with American actors. Exact dates arranged with each actor.

August 12th – 14th: American-based actors must prerecord their monologue and upload to our YouTube channel. This performance will be shown if Skype fails to connect during the show.

August 16th: The show will take place in the Centre for Creative Practices, Pembroke St Lower, Dublin 2 at 8pm (GMT). The show will comprise of Irish actors performing their American-written monologues live and American actors performing their Irish-written monologues via YouTube or Skype.


Writers: Please submit cv and writing sample (monologues preferred)  to

Please note that access to a good internet connection and web camera is required of all participants.