Saturday, June 22, 2013

The PlayOffs at Horse & Cart

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Summer Playwriting Competition and Festival
August 1-29 – New Shows Every Thursday Night

Horse & Cart is hosting our first playwriting competition and festival, The PlayOffs. A select group of writers will be put through a series of competitions to test their playwriting prowess in order to win a $500 cash prize, and you get to watch (and vote!!!)

Featuring 5 weeks of live, hot-off-the-presses world premiere work, this is the best chance to see new plays come to life right before your eyes!

Submission Guidelines – 2013
Playwrights interested in participating should submit 5-10 pages of unpublished, unproduced work that highlights your abilities as a playwright along with contact info to with the subject line “Play-offs Submission”.
Submissions are due by 10pm, Sunday June 30th.

Playwrights who have been accepted into the competition will be notified by Sunday, July 14th.

Once accepted into the competition, playwrights will be asked for completely new material for weekly submissions based on writing prompts. Performances showcasing playwrights’ material will be produced live in Denver, CO every Thursday in August, where submissions will be judged and weekly eliminations will take place, leading to a winning playwright being announced Thursday, August 29th.

The winner of the competition will receive a $500 cash prize, and the opportunity to develop a full-length play for production with Horse & Cart to kick off the following year’s Play-offs festival.

All contestants accepted into the competition will have their pieces featured in a Horse & Cart e-publication, and receive a royalty for all copies sold.

Contestants will not be asked for a submission fee. We’d love to see all the playwrights attend the weekly performances and judging, but by no means are they required to do so. Attendance at performances will not affect results of the competition.