Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Tongue in Cheek Theater Productions is seeking solo shows

web site

Tongue in Cheek Theater Productions (Ms. Jake Lipman, Producing Artistic Director) is seeking original solo shows for the Fall 2013 Plus 1 Solo Show Festival.

Series A of the Festival will be on Sunday, October 20 and Monday, October 21, 2013. Series B will be on Sunday, October 27 and Monday, October 28, 2013. All performances will begin at 8 pm at the Bridge Theatre @ Shelter Studios.

Tongue in Cheek's mission is to produce comedies that make its audiences think. We are seeking funny, thoughtful pieces that are 15 minutes or shorter and have minimal production needs. Preference may be given to premieres or shows that have had very few prior performances.

Submission guidelines:
+ The solo show must be an original, unpublished piece for which the submitting applicant has the rights to perform
+ The writer is also the performer
+ A running time of fifteen minutes or shorter
+ Minimal production needs (we will provide a chair, and simple lights up and down. No sound cues, really and truly)
+ If the performer is a member of AEA, s/he must secure permission directly from AEA to participate. This is not an AEA showcase.

Your submission e-mail must include:
+ An e-mail introducing yourself and the piece
+ A one-line teaser for your show (for marketing purposes)
+ Your headshot (hi-res)
+ Your acting resume
+ Your 50-word-or-fewer bio with credits and training
+ Your final script (Word format only, please)
+ Your cell phone number

Please e-mail your submission materials to by midnight on Friday, August 30, 2013.