Saturday, July 27, 2013

WildClaw Theatre is currently accepting full-length horror plays

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WildClaw Theatre produces original horror plays as well as stage adaptations of horror literature and media.

Our definition of horror is fairly broad, however do keep in mind that we are a HORROR THEATRE, and to that end we are largely uninterested in genre parodies, horror-comedy, or works that are excessively tongue-in-cheek or campy. Vital to our mission is to produce genuinely frightening, imaginative, intelligent, and literate works of horror for the stage.

In other words: We take our horror seriously (and you should too).

WildClaw Theatre is currently accepting full-length horror plays. Submit your play personally or through your agent to, along with an introductory letter, a bio or resume, a synopsis, and any development/production history of the play. Preferred formats are .doc and .pdf.

WE DO NOT ACCEPT SCREENPLAYS. Any submission in screenplay format will be discarded.

Thank you for being excited about Horror Theatre! We look forward to reading your work.