Saturday, August 31, 2013

Independent Theater Ten Minute Play Contest

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Do you love to stretch the limits of what is possible on stage? Are you a master of fleshing out characters, building a fascinating arc, plotting an explosive climax that packs a punch… and all of it in ten minutes?  At Independent Play(w)rights we read lots of really incredible ten minute play scripts every month. This month, we want to give masters of the ten minute play script their moment to shine. Send us your ten minute masterpieces for a chance to win a cash prize and publication in our anthology!

The Rules:

  1. Submissions must be no longer than 15 pages long.
  2. You may submit a maximum of one play to each category.
  3. The deadline for submissions is September 30th. Winners will be announced on October 22nd.
  4. All submissions must be submitted electronically.
  5. Submission categories are intentionally broad. Interpret the prompt whatever way you like!

The Categories:

Submissions should fall into one of the following categories: The Female Anti-Hero, Refurbished Fairy Tales, Deadly Comedies, The Empty Space, A Night at the Opera, The Not so Distant Future…, A Question of Life and Death, or Dear Reader. There will be one winner selected from each category. For the final category, Dear Reader, we will select ten finalists and then open up the voting to allow you to choose the winner!

The Prizes:

Winning playwrights will receive $75 and their plays will be featured in an anthology to be published on Independent Play(w)rights. We will be offering the anthology for free on our website and playwrights will share royalties from the sale of performance rights.  Our winning plays will also be at the core of an upcoming contest we will be holding for directors and producers—stay tuned for more information on that!

Submit your play via the online form.