Saturday, October 19, 2013

Atlanta Theatre-to-Go now soliciting one-act plays for our 7th season

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Atlanta Theatre-to-Go now soliciting one-act plays for our 7th season beginning January 2014.

DEADLINE: Thursday, October 31, 2013

Our mission is to enhance the lives of senior adults through theatre. We take live performances to retirement communities, senior centers, churches, synagogues, and civic events. Audience talk-backs follow performances, allowing playwrights an opportunity to interact with the audience. An honorarium is paid to playwrights. Last year we had 47 performances.

HOW TO SUBMIT: E-mail to Include two cover sheet: one with play title only; the other with play title plus your name and contact information. Please include a brief synopsis on the cover sheet.

WHAT TO SUBMIT: Plays approximately 45-55 minutes long that appeal to a senior adult audience. No more than five actors and no offensive language. We are a touring group, so keep the sets simple and special effects minimal. Experience shows that comedies play well. Also, keep casting requirements in mind. It is easier for us to cast women than men.

JUDGES: A panel of local directors.

WHAT'S IN IT FOR YOU: The opportunity to see your work performed by professional actors in front of live audiences, see what works, enjoy a cash honorarium, and use your creative talents for community service.

QUESTIONS? Call 404-256-3310 or e-mail