Sunday, October 6, 2013

Bellarmine seeks 10-minute plays about people in relationship with nature

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Bellarmine University Theatre Program proudly announces its Third Festival of New 10-Minute Plays

Professional, amateur, and student playwrights are welcome to submit one 10-minute play
Eight plays will be picked and produced in our 2013-2014 theatre season
Chosen plays will receive a $25 payment
Overall winner will received an additional $50 award
Audience choice will received $50 award
Production Dates: March 26, 27, 28 & 29, 2014

  • Only one play per playwright
  • Plays should be no longer than 10 minutes in length when read or performed
  • Plays should be typed and followed standard playwriting format
  • Plays must be RECEIVED by October 31, 2013
  • Plays need to be original works with no previous production history
  • Playwright’s name should NOT be included anywhere in the script or it will be disqualified
  • Title page should include ONLY the playwright’s name and title of the play
  • On a separate cover page, please include playwright’s name, title of play, address, phone number, and email, (we will use email for communication)
  • No musicals, adaptations, or children’s plays
  • Pages must be numbered
  • Plays must be on the theme of “PEOPLE IN RELATIONSHIP WITH NATURE”. Funny, absurd, black comedies, dramas, whatever as long as our theme is present in the work
  • Plays must use minimal or no set
  • Plays may contain 1 to 4 characters
  • Play must make use the following three things:
  • A character must use the phrase “No one can survive. We all depend on it.”
  • A character must make use of a shovel
  • At some point, each character must refer to a plant that must be part of the set.
  • There is no entry fee
  • No email entries allowed.

To enter, please send your original 10-minute play to:
3RD 10-minute Play Festival
Attn: Carlos-Manuel Chavarría
Theatre Program Director
Bellarmine University
2001 Newburg Road
Louisville, KY 40205