Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Thistle Dew Theatre & KTDT Drama-dy seeks plays for Stage and Radio

web site

Call for play submissions: monologues, short plays, one act or full- length plays for stage and radio.

Rules for engagement:

Your play can be either a comedy or a drama.
Your play calls for one (1) to six (6) characters.
Your play exhibits freshness, sufficient conflict and engaging text.
Your play is in simple standard format, 14pt. Times or Times Roman font.

Example: "Jane: (Interrupts.) I prefer my script writing format: KISS."

Your complete play is in .doc format with numbered pages.
Page One: Your Title, contact information and 200 word biography.
Page Two: Your Character breakdown and 300 word synopsis.
The subject line of your email submission to reads TDDT

Play Submission .
There is no entry or submission fee.
There is no deadline for submissions: on-going.
Address your queries to Tom at