Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Colonial Players 2014 One Act Festival

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The Colonial Players is excited to announce the 2014 One Act Festival! The festival is slated for July 17 - 27, 2014, but preparations are already well underway. Two slates of shows, performed on alternating nights Thursdays through Sundays, give production crew and actors a chance to stretch their creative wings and try something new. Next summer’s festival will be a learning experience for everyone, with the entire production staff being as green as Kermit the Frog, and each position supported by an experienced mentor. Not only will the shows be golden, the experience will be worth even more!

We are still seeking scripts!

Do you have a One Act play in mind that you would like to see The Colonial Players produce? Please forward the name and author, or even the script if you have it, to The deadline for submitting a script suggestion is midnight on December 31, 2013. Script suggestions should be no longer than 45 minutes, and have no more than 10 characters. Original and published suggestions are welcome.