Tuesday, January 14, 2014

2014 Playwrights Festival seeks 10-15 minute plays

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City Theatre of Independence is pleased to announce we are now accepting submissions for our 2014 Playwrights Festival.

The Theme selected for this year “Party of Three.”

Each play must have 3 characters. Plays should have simple set, costume and property requirements. Expensive requirements will prohibit consideration. Plays should be 10 to 15 minutes in length, plays over 20 minutes will not be considered.  Offstage voices will not be considered a character. Submissions with more or less characters will not be considered.

All submissions will be acknowledged.

Please send scripts using Word or within the body of the email and do not include your name or contact info on the script itself. Send your contact info in a separate document including your name, telephone number and email address.

Send to jkmstone@comcast.net.

Please let us know how you learned about CTI’s Playfest.

The first 75 applicants will be considered, no fees required.

Playwrights whose entries are chosen will be notified of selection by late February 2014. Please understand that this is an opportunity to showcase your work but no monetary compensation will be offered.

Thank you for your interest. We look forward to reviewing your submission.

City Theatre is also soliciting locally for individuals interested in directing one of the Playwright Festival plays. Production dates are July 10 – 13, 2014. You may let us know you are interested in directing via the address above or through the website ‘citytheatreofindependence.org’ via Contact Us.