Sunday, January 19, 2014

SWAN Day seeks plays by women in MA and neighboring states

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SWAN Day Boston provides an opportunity for women in Massachusetts and neighboring states to share their work. Submission genres and lengths for this year's festival are: Short plays (10 min); monologues (up to 7 min); short stories (5 min), poems (3 min), dance (3 min), song/music (3 min).

SWAN (Supporting Women Artists Now) is an internationally recognized day of celebration honoring women artists of all disciplines. SWAN Day Boston provides an opportunity for women in Massachusetts and neighboring states to share their work. In particular, we seek to increase the appreciation for, and broaden the understanding of, the varied works of woman artists and their unique contributions to an increasingly exciting and empowered collective.

The deadline for submission is January 27, 2014. All women artists may submit one previously unproduced and unpublished piece in pdf form only. Email all submissions to Please indicate in the subject line the genre under which you are submitting. Notifications will be sent out on, or about, February 15, 2013.


Submission genres and lengths are: Short plays (10 min); monologues (up to 7 min); short stories (5 min), poems (3 min), dance (3 min), song/music (3 min).

Selected artists are responsible for the full production of their respective productions. (i.e., cast, directing, sets, props, etc.) Limited lighting and sound cues will be accommodated. Set and props should be kept to a minimum and should be easily carried on and off stage. All actors should be off book. All equity actors performing should be contracted according to current Equity requisites.  Also note, there will be a mandatory tech rehearsal from 9:00-12:00.

SWAN Day Boston will be held at the Boston Playwright’s Theatre, 949 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA on March 29, 2014 from 2:00-4:00 with a one hour reception to follow. Please note: As it is the goal of SWAN Day Boston to create a closer bond between artist and audience, selected artists are asked to attend the reception following the SWAN Day performance to engage with fellow artists and audience members.

Please forward any questions or concerns to: with “Submission Question” in the subject line.

It is our pleasure to offer a time and place that honors the voice of the women artist.

We look forward to reading your submissions!

For more information on SWAN day, click here.