Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Jewish Women’s Theatre Culture Klatch

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Jewish women used to sit around in coffee klatches sharing everything from family to refrigerators, feminism to free market economies. But those days of sharing have changed.  We’re still drinking coffee, only now, we’re at our computers sipping our java and writing our stories.

The Jewish Women’s Theatre, responding to this societal shift, is creating a “Culture Klatch” — a gathering of women in homes to listen to new stories and share thoughts. And oh, drink coffee and eat dessert, too!

Be a part of this culture klatch by submitting your play, monologue, poem, essay, story, song, etc. to the Jewish Women’s Theatre.  Material will be read in the JWT signature Salon Theatre with a professional cast.

Submission Guidelines

Okay, you’re Jewish, that’s a good start, but how “Jewish” do you have to write? When submitting material, consider the following parameters for your submission:

  • Please check the theme of the season and submit accordingly.
  • An element of Jewish resonance is important, but your submission does not need to feature being Jewish as the prominent theme or subject.
  • Feature women or a woman’s point of view, but not exclusively. Male characters are welcome.
  • Short one-acts (10 minutes max) and monologues (7 minutes max) are preferred.  Will read full-length, but unlikely will produce.
  • Must be topical for the 21st century. While we consider plays set in another time period, we mostly select contemporary pieces.
  • Small cast a must. One-person shows okay.
  • Previously produced or published work is welcome. Please include production and/or publication history. A new version of a classic or an adaptation from another medium would definitely be of interest.
Although the primary focus of the JWT is on the writing, music is often a part of our events. We encourage composers, song-writers, and performers to submit individual work. Musicals are welcome.

Please adhere to the theme when submitting work.  Please submit before the deadline.


Stories from our sacred texts are reinterpreted for the modern age.  Any preconceptions are sure to be upended with this hilarious and provocative show of newly commissioned pieces.

May 18–June 2.


Submit Your Material

Please email a cover letter with a brief bio, history of the material, if there is one, and an attachment of your piece in one of the following formats: Final Draft, Word Document or PDF.

Email materials to: literarymanager [at] jewishwomenstheatre [dot] org