Sunday, February 2, 2014

Mount Carmel Theatre Company (MCTC) seeks 10-minute plays

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Mount Carmel Theatre Company (MCTC), located in Williamsburg Brooklyn, is a company that is dedicated to collaborating with emerging young artists. They are currently seeking submissions for their 2014 New Works Festival, which takes place on Friday, February 21, 2014.

Scripts must be New Works, 10 minutes in length with subject matter that is in good taste. All scripts should be emailed as a PDF attachment. Within the body of the email, you must state: (1) The Title, (2) Author, (3) How many characters there are/their genders and (4) a brief synopsis of the play.

All writers are responsible for putting together a production team for their play. The production team includes a Director, a Stage Manager (if desired) and Actors. MCTC will provide lights and sound for every play, however the production teams must provide their own costumes. Each production team must submit an email one week before tech rehearsals detailing what kind of tech they require (a basic idea for lighting/any sound or music that plays).

All collaborators must be between the ages of 18-35.

Once all submissions are chosen, the writers will be invited to a meet and greet with MCTC. Each individual production team is responsible for creating a schedule and rehearsing on their own. MCTC can offer it’s space for rehearsal, based on availability. Each production team will be given two nights of tech (one night for an hour of rehearsal on the stage and the second night for cueing/running with lights and sound).


The deadline for submissions is Sunday, February 2nd. 

No submissions will be accepted after that date. Please email all work to