Saturday, February 15, 2014

Over Here Theatre Company is seeking submissions of ten to fifteen minute plays for ObamAmerica

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Over Here Theatre Company is seeking submissions of ten to fifteen minute plays for ObamAmerica, a festival of new writing to be produced at Theatre 503 in London in the spring of 2014.

The festival, which will run 27 May to 7 June, is about life under the Obama administration, looking at all aspects from political to personal. Barack Obama is a powerful and charismatic figure, one whose election promised great change and provided hope for a difference to American society and the world at large after eight years under George W Bush.  Did Obama fulfil those dreams of the American people or has he offered more of the same?  Has foreign policy changed?  Race relations? How have President and Mrs Obama affected the way society sees African Americans?  Is he really on the side of the poor or caught up in the machinations of Capitol Hill? What about his controversial use of drones and the assassination of Osama Bin Laden? Not to mention: Edward Snowden, Bradley (Chelsea) Manning, Hilary Clinton, the Occupy movement, George Zimmerman, Syria and ObamaCare.

ObamAmerica will explore a wide variety of viewpoints and issues through thought provoking and entertaining short plays.

Over Here is accepting submissions from both new and more seasoned playwrights. Playwrights need not be American but should have an ear for the uniqueness of American speech patterns and a good knowledge of the United States. Although this is not a paid opportunity, selected plays will receive a full production.

Submissions should be sent in PDF or Word Documents to

Deadline is 15 February 2014. 

Please note- we are looking for new plays that fit the specific theme and directly reflect on Obama’s presidency.
For more info:

Theatre503 became the smallest theatre to be awarded an Olivier award in 2010, when The Mountaintop by Katori Hall, an American writer, won Best New Play.
This seminal production which transferred to the West End, eventually led to a Broadway production starring Samuel L Jackson and Angela Bassett.
For more info about Theatre503:

Over Here Theatre Company was founded in 2001 by expat North American actors, writers and directors to perform new American writing in London. They produced a series of political comedy sketch shows, Channel 53, as well as the plays American Dream and Gringo by artistic director Lydia Parker at the Union Theatre and New Wimbledon Studio. Over Here continues in its mission to produce quality work about American life for British audiences. Productions will alternate between new North American writing and older, rediscovered American work.  As there is a strong community of expat Americans theatre practitioners in the UK, the theatre company will employ them whenever possible to lend authenticity and experience to the productions.