Saturday, March 1, 2014

New Digital Publishing House seeks Plays

web site

We're currently seeking plays of all types to build a play catolog to launch our new digital publishing company. Customers will have the option of purchasing a subscription to the site, allowing them a new play download each week, or they can purchase plays individually.

Our goal is to help playwrights get their work into as many hands as possible, while also helping them make a little money while doing it. Because of this, the agreement is rather simple, all playwrights will share equitably in the subscription pool each month (example: there are 9 playwrights, and a subscription pool of $1,000, each playwright would get $100, and the company would get $100). Additionally, plays can be purchased individually, and that will be a 50/50 split of the sale between playwright and website.

We're currently seeking plays of all types, genres, styles, lengths - if it is intended for the stage, we'd like to take a look at it. Our website is All submissions can be sent to