Saturday, March 1, 2014

Synetic Theater seeks submissions

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Seeking full length scripts and/or detailed proposals for new, scripted works of physical theater from female playwrights for new productions. A selected script may be made part of the 2015 Women’s Voices Theater Festival in Washington, DC.

Synetic’s process is typically involved, as the textual content of the play is developed in conjunction with the rehearsal process to create pieces of total theater. Scripted work is typically “semi-devised” as the company of actors work with the director, choreographer, and playwright/adaptor to develop all story elements in a long rehearsal process. Playwrights should expect a heavy development experience if selected.

Synetic is specifically seeking new adaptations of classic works that place a high premium on ensemble, physicality, and the synthesis of art forms. Full length scripts does not necessarily mean an abundance of pages — Synetic is well versed in wordless or semi-wordless productions.

It is likely we will be selecting the project or projects by Fall 2014

Please email submissions to