Friday, May 16, 2014

Stagelight Magazine seeks submissions

web site

Seeking submissions 300-600 words in length on any theater topic, ideally with a focus on New York City theater. Pieces can be editorial in nature or more ‘straight news’. Stagelight is looking to feature writers offering fresh perspectives on the New York theater scene. Possible topics can include upcoming or current shows, breaking theater news, behind-the-scene looks, artist interviews, etc. Stagelight is aimed at readers of all levels of theatrical involvement – from the average New York theatergoer, to those in the industry, to tourists visiting New York for the first time.

Stagelight Magazine reaches over 20,000 readers each month. Stagelight has a strong interest in finding writers to work with the magazine in an ongoing capacity, however, one-time submissions are also welcome.

Please e-mail your submissions, along with a brief bio to

Writers chosen to have their work appear on the Stagelight Magazine website will be given a Contributing Writer credit, as well as have their bio featured on the site. Those whose submissions are chosen to appear in print will receive a small stipend, as well as a Contributing Writer credit.

For more information on Stagelight, please visit Please direct all questions to