Saturday, June 14, 2014


No web site

Occupy the Empty Space is spearheading a long term arts action to encourage students to fight the... student debt crisis. In the culmination of this project, your play will be performed multiple times at different areas in the country by college students -- that's the vision.

What We Need From You:

We are looking for superb, tight, ten minute plays about student debt. No more than four characters, no more than 12 pages. Err on the side of minimal swearing unless totally necessary to the play. We are particularly looking for plays written by and about under-represented voices-- women, people of color, individuals who identify as LGBT, individuals throughout the gender presentation spectrum, and individuals from varying economic backgrounds."

****Any plays submitted longer than 12 pages, with more than four characters, about any other theme than student debt, will be completely disregarded. 

***Please do not submit more than one play without first checking with us. If you do so, we will disregard all of your submissions.  

**Please include a brief greeting with your submission. Honestly, we're not too concerned about your credentials or where you've been produced; we want to know who you are and what you're about. 

*Send your submission to, as a PDF or .doc attachment, between October 15th, 2013 and June 15th, 2014 at midnight. 

For more information check out our Facebook page.