Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Nylon Fusion seeks submissions for the Political Play series

web site

The Political Play series 
Full Length about 90 min

Submissions do not have to be about Politics per se, but must be about topics that are socially and/or culturally significant. We are currently looking for works to present in our 2014-15 (7th) season

To be considered for our 8th Season: December 10, 2014 (New Deadline)
Please note: We accept submissions year round for the Political Play Series.

Please be specific on your form- write on SUBJECT LINE which project you’re submitting to. For example: Political Series: Name of Playwright.

To be considered please submit the following: a cover letter, brief synopsis, your resume, and full script. If you’re having trouble with our form please email us with your submission at nylonsubmissions@gmail.com